HCL Interview Questions
HCL Technologies previously alluded to as Hindustan Computers Limited, is an eminent Indian worldwide data innovation (IT) services and counselling company. It is an auxiliary of HCL Enterprise with its central command in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. HCL has foundations in excess of 50 nations, including the United Kingdom, United States, France, Hong Kong, China, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany.
HCL conducts a recruitment drive consistently for very long time jobs utilizing a standard recruitment process. In the event that you are intending to find a new line of work in HCL, this article will assist you with getting comfortable with the recruitment interaction of the company. Additionally, you will get to know the most often asked HCL interview inquiries and answers.
Top HCL Interview Questions
The following are some frequently asked HCL interview questions:
1. What do you understand about nested classes?
2. Can you state the difference between a constant variable and a global variable?
3. What are the basic OOPS concepts?
4. Does Java support multiple inheritances? How do you achieve multiple inheritances in Java?
5. What do you know about a final class?
6. Can you explain Java threads?
7. Can you state the uses of pointers in C?
8. Differentiate C and C++.
9. Can you state the difference between C++ and Java?
10. What is the difference between pseudocode and structured English?
11. What do you understand about a database and DBMS?
12. Can you explain the difference between method overriding and method overloading in Java?
13. What do you know about aggregate functions in SQL?
14. Differentiate between Primary Key and Foreign Key.
15. Can you explain the terms compiler, interpreter, and assembler?
16. What do you know about the prefix and postfix operators?
17. What do you know about the foreign key?
18. What are access specifiers?
19. Can you differentiate between abstract class and interface?
20. What are different cloud computing service models?
21. What do you understand about Big Data?
22. What are constraints in SQL?
23. What do you understand about SQL joins?
24. List out 8 V’s of big data.
25. Can you explain different Linux process states?
26. What is the difference between Linux and Unix?
27. What is the __init__() method in Python?
28. What is the role of the Domain Name System (DNS)?
29. What do you understand about the finalize() method in Java?
30. What is cloud computing?
31. Can you write a program to find the sum of digits of a number?
32. Write a small program to reverse a string.
33. Write a program to print a pattern.
34. Reverse a linked list.
35. Check whether a given string is palindrome or not.
HCL HR Interview Questions
1. Tell us about yourself?
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? How do you overcome your weaknesses?
3. Can you tell us about your short-term and long-term goals?
4. Why do you want to join our company?
5. Are you willing to relocate?
6. What are your salary expectations?
7. How do you feel about working late nights and weekends?
8. What is your strategy for working under pressure?
9. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
10. What do you think are the qualities that the best leader has?
HCL Technologies is one of the best data innovation services and counselling organizations around the world. Consistently this company leads a recruitment drive to employ youthful abilities for various work jobs.
Assuming you have careful information on C, C++, Java, data set, Python, and Unix/Linux, you can undoubtedly break the HCL interview. Alongside specialized information, you additionally need to get ready for the aptitude test and foster great relational abilities for the HR and gathering conversation adjusts.
This article covers the most normally asked HCL aptitude, specialized, coding, and HR interview questions. You can pro your next HCL interview by essentially going through these interview questions and their answers.